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Time for action is NOW. Continuing to depend on the homeless assistance practices currently in place will most assuredly lead to the same results. To achieve different results, the community must utilize different tactics.
Working collaboratively, working in coordination and working smart, Clearwater can effectively address homelessness, experience noticeable declines in homelessness and improve the quality of life for all.
Tieman Village Rehab Phase 1 (5 units) completed December 31, 2018; Phase II ( 2 units) will be completed by June 2019.

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Cost: We recognize what we don’t invest now in stabilizing homeless families and children will be spent many times over on providing services for them down the road. Data from 65 U.S. cities have shown that the cost of keeping homeless people on the street is between $35,000 and $150,000 per person, per year (depending on the severity of the case
Budget: Leverage is tool and goal. The Going Home Homeless Reduction pilot program affords the opportunity for volunteers to lend a hand. Through donated time of homeless citizens, coalition members, community members and professional construction workers, the overhead and labor costs have been eliminated.
Optimize all donations to Going Home by using funds solely for direct costs for the construction materials. In addition, community support via donated furniture, supplies and materials has reduced the estimated contractual budget of $170,000 to $65,000.